Monday, July 13, 2009

The end of the beginning

Now is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.

A quote to start the week, from Winston Churchill. In this end-of-the-beginning kind of year I seem to be having, I liked this one very much. And I am also partial to a bit of stirring Churchill-speak now and then (see this link for some context Seriously, I rather like the figure of Churchill who suffered from depression throughout his life but still managed to achieve great things his own way. And please, should any scholars of Churchill be reading this, I know that that is probably a very limited reading of the man (and that he was also beset by many flaws and made some pretty profound mistakes along the way too) but it's just a little of what I've perceived from what I've read. So, here's to the end of the beginning!
PS The photo is one I took when we were at the Minnesota Arboretum last year (

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